
My name is Dr. Sheina Hollander, owner of Silhouette Physical Therapy, Women’s Health and Wellness.  I am a doctor of physical therapy who is passionate about treating women during their whole pregnancy journey.  This includes both your prenatal needs and your postpartum years. When those pesky painful symptoms show up, we sweep them under the rug in order to keep up with our daily tasks. Sometimes we can push through it only to have a flare-up later. As women we are so often busy taking care of those around us and working to make ends meet that we often sidestep taking care of ourselves and keeping our bodies healthy.

My passion is to find the how and “why” behind a woman’s symptoms.  My goal for us is to assess the issue, treat it, and enable you to get back to your busy schedule feeling healthy and whole. As a mother of two young girls, my enthusiasm is for everything female! I have been there, done that, and am still on this journey.

My practice fits into your lifestyle. I can work around your busy schedule so there is no excuse not to take care of yourself and get you back on track to fulfilling your dreams.  My desire to give you one on one care and provide a whole-body experience is the essence of the healing process.  I look forward to helping you through this journey and making sure that your body can withstand the energy and commitment your pregnancy and motherhood journey takes. 

Get in Touch

Call to learn if Silhouette Physical Therapy is right for you.